- Maus Knowledge Base
- SafeWrite
- General
Maus Software
- ValueMax
- MasterPlan
- Client Needs Analysis (Advisors)
- Attract (Advisors)
- Questionnaires (Advisors)
- Client Setup (Advisors)
- KPI Dashboard
- Milestones & Projects
- Virtual CFO Pro
- Policies Manager
- Document Manager
- Performance Review
- Job Descriptions
- HR Profiler
- Value Gap Analysis (Advisors)
- General Settings
- ValueMax Legacy
- Policies Manager
- Account Settings
- Risk Register
- Incident manager
- Training Register
- Audit Builder
- NCR Register
- Corrective Actions
- SWMS Doc Register
- Contractor Register
- Electrical Register
- Chemical & Hazardous Substances Register
- Asset Register
- Site Register
- Activity Register
- General
- SafeWrite for Consultants
- Audits & Inspections
StockMarket Plus
How can I trial the SafeWrite Platform?
SafeWrite offers a '30 day Money Back Guarantee' of the software, to allow for a risk free review of the systems!
If you would like to get started register now for a demo of the SafeWrite Platform. CLICK HERE to be redirected to our signup form, and follow the prompts.
You are also welcome to email sales@maus.com or call us at (+612) 9907 1669 ex2 (AEST Business Hours) should you have any inquires regarding the software, its applicability to your business, or any other purchase related questions.
If you already have a trial set up and need to access it, please go to app.safewrite.com and log in with the email/password you selected when creating your trial.