How to Export (Compile) A Policy Manual

Navigate to the Policies Manager:

  1. While viewing the manual that you want to compile, click the
    Compile Handbook button.
  2. In the setup wizard, select the document(s) you wish to include, then click Next

  3. The Format Document section allows you to change some basic formatting settings for the handbook, including adding your own branding for the headers and footers, such as:
    1. Company Name
    2. Company Logo
    3. Date
    4. Page Number
    5. Custom Text

  4. Click Submit once your selection is finalised to download your manual to Word. 

    Please note: The compiled manual will be delivered to you via your web browser. Most browsers download to your "Downloads" folder by default, however you may wish to check your browser's preferences if you are unable to locate the downloaded file.