How to change your ValueMax assessments to custom versions

This article explains how to reconfigure the ValueMax module to display your custom assessments/questionnaires instead of the standard assessments.

To create custom assessments, please see the article here.

You must update your ValueMax configuration BEFORE creating the new client you want to use your custom questionnaires with. If you would like to revert to the previous questionnaires or use subsequent new questionnaires, you must again change the configuration before creating that client in the Maus Hub.


Once you have saved your custom questionnaire in the "My Questionnaires" tab, click on the "Module Settings" tab in "Configuration for All Clients."

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 8.16.04 PM


Scroll down to the ValueMax Questionnaire mapping section. You will see the names of the preloaded assessments and the questionnaire that currently maps to each assessment.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 8.19.16 PM


Under these drop downs you will be able to choose from the custom questionnaires you created previously. Select the questionnaire you would like to appear in ValueMax for each assessment.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 8.22.04 PM


Once you are happy with your selection, scroll back to the top of the page and all the way to the right to locate and click the "Save ValueMax Configuration" button.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 8.23.21 PM

You may now create your new client and use your new configuration. Every client you create from now on will also have this configuration displayed in their ValueMax module.