How to use Custom Questionnaires as a lead Magnet?

Looking to utilize your own custom content or variations of Maus' prospecting or diagnostic assessments on your website, socials or email marketing?

Your Maus account comes with a number of assessments automatically loaded in as part of your subscription. These can be split into 2 categories per THIS article. 

Whether it be Maus provided your your own custom questionnaire, every questionnaire in our system has a unique Questionnaire ID, which you can utilize with our Maus Partner Program or Maus Attract licensing to utilize as Lead magnets on your website, socials, emails and more.

Looking specifically at custom assessments, we might first suggest you review the tips HERE to create your own custom questionnaire, or the suggestions HERE to review questionnaires further. Once you have a custom questionnaire or two, you can start linking to these custom assessments. 

In order to do so, you will need to update the below URL with your questionnaires QID, and your own AID. The URL you will be updating is as follows:

Locating the appropriate QID

To locate the unique QID for your custom questionnaire, first access your custom questionnaire list via "Configuration for all clients" > "My Questionnaires". Then select your custom questionnaire from the list, and click "Edit Questionnaire"

Once inside the Questionnaire editor, you can click on the "Settings" prompt to display the questionnaires QID:

In the above example, you would insert "2025" into the URL, giving us:

Locating your AID

As Maus Partner or Advisor with our Attract package, you are allocated an Affiliate ID (AID), which is assessable via selecting "Configuration for all clients" from your client list:

You can also include a link via the "Website URL" field which will be presented as part of the "Thank You" page. 

Continuing from the above example, we would be adding the AID 1800044 to the URL. Incorporating both the above QID and AID, you would land on the final URL of:

Using this link, we are then brought into the selected assessment for the advisor account in question: